Together we both can help keep Evangelina's medical expenses minimal.
Please DONATE to help SARAH get the important treatment she needs at La Luz Wellness Center.
Your Donation is Tax Deductible. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, tax-exempt organization designated by the Internal Revenue Code, when you contribute over $5 to our fund, you will receive a charitable tax receipt for income tax purposes.
Thank you for supporting SARAH'S Goals!
By Donating to SARAH, you are helping her raise the funds she needs to continue her stay at La Luz Wellness Center.
Our tax ID number is 47-4308481. For all other donations, your canceled check or credit card statement can serve as record of your donation.
We can also except donations by check, by mailing to our Donation Address on our contact page. Otherwise we can except payment by credit card or transfers. Please contact us to make a substantial donation amount via Wire Transfer to avoid high transaction fees. If you are having difficulty submitting payment please feel free to call us at 915-234-0285.
You can expect your receipt for your donation within one to three weeks from the date you send it in. If you make your gift online, your receipt will be emailed to you.